A necklace is the earliest decoration in the history. It has been seen as an accessory closest to the heart, so it’s the best choice for marriage bonds and couples on Valentine’s Day or important festivals. The givers hope to lock the others’ hears. For most girls, they just want necklaces to adorn their necks and improve the entire charm value. With the development of economy and information technology, people know about luxury goods more and better. Some choose to save up to buy a piece of necklace by Cartier or Tiffany, and some choose to buy different pieces of fake Cartier necklaces. The rich look down on them, while the former criticize the later wrong value. It seems that it’s wrong that they have no money. OK, stop here. I aim to compare fake Cartier Trinity Tri-color Diamond Necklace B7224900 to Cartier Trinity Necklace B7224900.

Cartier, a world’s top jeweller with more than 170-year history, created many well-known jewellery collections, like Trinity de Cartier. Louis Cartier and Jean Cocteau met in a super club and became good friends. After getting to know about Jean Cocteau’s demands, Louis Cartier designed a ring in white gold, yellow gold and pink gold for him. The three-band interlaced ring symbolizes fidelity, friendship and love. The implied meaning of the Trinity ring the sincere call of generation after generation. The ring has inspired the full Trinity Collection, a timeless testament to life’s most memorable loves.

Cartier Trinity Necklace B7224900 is a single chain in yellow gold connecting to a Trinity pendent with a brilliant-cut diamond. The chain is very ordinary, because the Trinity pendent is the focus. The brilliant-cut diamond is held by three griffes fixed on the Trinity band. The chain is not long, suitable for length adjustable from 38 to 41cm. When it encircles the neck, the pendent is just between collarbones. Female charm unconsciously sets off.

The widespread, classic jewellery complies with the character “Less is More”, so it’s not difficult to copy their exterior look. Fake Cartier Trinity Tri-color Diamond Necklace B7224900 is not an exception. It looks almost the same as the genuine. What are the differences between them. The top replica version is finished according to the original size, precious material and details. The cheap one is just a fake, whose coarse will be exposed when you close up and observe it. From detail contrast in the pictures, surface and details of the genuine necklace are not afraid to be seen under a magnifying glass. It’s pity that the fake details are coarse, but it’s good that it’s made of sterling silver. For girls who have an allergy, it’s not the annoying one. Will you buy the cheap fake Cartier Trinity pendent necklace B7224900.
